Environmental Physiotherapy Agenda 2023

The time is now!

The EPTAgenda2023 is a global call to action aiming at the integration of planetary health, environmental and sustainability education into entry-level physiotherapy education programmes around the world. As a global initiative, it represents an unprecedented effort in pulling together the strength of the entire physiotherapy profession to simultaneously contribute to human and environmental health, functioning and flourishing.

Support the Agenda 2023 and add your signature now!

743 signatures
Sign the EPT Agenda 2023

Supporting Organisations

  • Physio Deutschland (ZVK)
  • PACS Cardiff Students
  • Surinamese Association for PT
  • inVivo Planetary Health

Participating Institutions

  • Schule fuer Physiotherapie Friedrichsheim
  • University of Iceland
  • University of Birmingham
  • Colorado University
  • University of Scranton